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Tiimi is perfect for basketball. Upload your games or footage from practice to Tiimi and let every member of your team pitch in when it comes to video analysis.


Mapping shots helps you and your team see the bigger picture. From where do your shots sink in and what's the zone where there's room for improvement.

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Clips and folders

Create clips of moments you want to point out to your team. Organize clips to folders and make the next meeting a breeze!

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Game Plan

Would you like for us to analyze and clip your games for you? With tiimi+, you can fully outsource your teams video analysis.  

We divide all of your teams games into video clips that can be filtered by multitude of parameters. Let your players filter for all of their made three pointers during the season. Filter for all pick-and-rolls resulting in a field goal.

Interested in hearing more? Leave us a message and we will get back to you!

tiimi +

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