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Creating clips




6 min read

Creating clips

Creating clips begins in the "own videos" section of the website. First select a video you want to create clips from. Once chosen open the video and open clip creation.

Once you have chosen the perfect moment from the game you want to clip. Begin clipping the video by pressing "W" on the keyboard or the floating timer. Once the beginning of the clip is chosen timestamp of the start is highlighted (shown below).

End the clip by pressing "D" on the keyboard or the timer on the right.

Now the clip itself is done we can name it. Name the clip just below the timers.

To add tags to the clip simply press "T" on your keyboard or press "Add Tags". This brings up a menu of your tags to choose from.

In addtion to tags you can add a map point where the clip is happening. Add a map point to your clip by clicking "Add Map Point".

Before you save the clip, if you want you can quickly add the clip to your existing folders. You can always add the saved clip to your folders later. To add a clip to a folder click "Add to Folder" and choose a folder.

If you want to edit your clip with slowmotion or drawings on top of it, open the clip in editor. Just click on the "Open in Editor" button. You can also save the clip from the editor.

Lastly you can make clipping workflow more efficient with advanced options.

In advanced options you can add rules to save you time while clipping. You can have more than one rule chosen at any time.

Open tags after ending clips - NO - YES. With this rule you can choose wether tags open immediately after ending the clip.

Pause video after ending clip - NO - YES. With this rule you can pause video immediately after ending the clip.

Start video after clip creation - NO - YES. With this rule you can choose wether the video continues playing immediately after saving a created clip.

Focus title after ending clip - NO - YES. With this rule you can choose to focus the title immediately after ending the clip. With this rule you can name the clip quickly without having to click the title.

Form clip title automatically. With this rule you can choose to automatically name the clip with the chosen tags. This quickly and automatically names the clip and can help you organize the clips. Clicking the tags underneath creates an order for the tags, in wich the name is created.

For example with these tags chosen the name for the clip could be "POR - Goal - C. Ronaldo".


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