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Video player

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4 min read

Video player


The video player has been specifically made for watching and reviewing video footage. Moving inside the video has been made extremely easy.

Opening the video player

Open the video player on the Videos page by clicking an uploaded file.

Opening the video player

The button bar

Play and pause the video by clicking the play-button or by pressing spacebar on your keyboard.

By clicking the time-buttons below the video player, you can move inside the video.

You can change the playback speed of the video by clicking up and down buttons on your keyboard, or by opening the speed-selection under the player.

Keyboard shortcuts

Space - Play / Pause

Up arrow - Increase video speed

Down arrow - Decrease video speed

Right arrow - +5s

Left arrow - -5s

Shift + Right arrow | +30s

Shift + Left arrow | -30s

Option/Ctrl + Right arrow | +1s

Option/Ctrl + Left arrow | -1s


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